Salurkan Sumbangan Dana Pilihanraya Anda ke Parti Islam Se-Malaysia Kawasan Kota Tinggi

Salurkan Sumbangan Dana Pilihanraya Anda ke Parti Islam Se-Malaysia  Kawasan  Kota Tinggi
No Akaun : 01-069-01-003759-0

Pilihan Anda di PRU 13?

Ruang Aduan

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July 27, 2010

Paying as a Malaysian

U noe your $$ not enough 2 spend as a Malaysian?

Yes, I think they are. What do I get for paying toll everyday?
Now I have to pay an extra RM50 for each credit card. For what?
Extra GST (goods and services tax). Again, how does that benefit me?

Look at the long list:
I have to pay for security guards because the police are hopeless.
I have to install filters because the water supply is dirty.
I have to watch satellite tv because the government broadcasts crap.

Many kids have to go for tuition or to private schools because the government schools are bad.
We have to pay IPPs (independent power providers) because the government cannot provide consistent electricity.

We have to pay Indah Water to clean up the sewers.
We have to pay tax on foreign cars because Mahathir wants to keep his dying local car industry alive. ON top of it APs cost bcoz of his cronies.

Most have to drive because the government cannot provide good public transport.
We have to pay to sustain the government's affirmative action policies.
We have to pay for private health care because the public hospitals are crowded .

All in all, we have to pay a PREMIUM to stay in this country!

1Malaysia Boleh!!!